2024/2025 School Year

First Trimester

6/12/24 Registration forms & classes posted
6/19/24 Preferred Registration for returning students
6/26/24 General Registration opens
8/07/24 Registration ends, last day to avoid late fees
8/14/24 Parents notified if classes are full or cancelled
9/02/24 Labor Day
9/04/23 Academy Meet & Greet, 7-8 pm
9/11/24 Start of First trimester
10/23/24 Registration for second trimester begins
11/08/23 LAST CLASS for first trimester
11/20/24 – 11/27/24 Thanksgiving Break – NO classes
11/20/24 Grades emailed by teachers
11/20/24 Parents notified if classes are full or cancelled; Late fees begin
11/28/24 Thanksgiving Day

Second Trimester

12/04/24 Start of Second Trimester
12/25/24 – 1/01/25 Christmas Break –
NO Classes
12/25/24 Christmas Day
1/01/25 New Year’s Day
1/08/25 Classes Resume
2/05/25 Registration for third trimester begins
2/19/25 Registration ends, last day to avoid late fees
2/19/22 LAST CLASS for second trimester

Grades emailed by teachers

Parents notified if classes are full or cancelled;
Late fees begin

2/26/25 – 3/05/25 Spring Break, NO class

Third Trimester

3/12/25 Start of Third trimester
4/24/25 Open House, 7-8 pm
5/14/25 LAST CLASS for Third trimester
5/16/25 End of year celebration,
5/21/25 Grades emailed by teachers
5/26/25 Memorial Day